Thursday, February 12, 2009

ThE ReActIOn Of PeOpLe FiNding oUt mY BloG WaS ABoUt AbOrTiOnS

1.     Classmates find out my blog is about abortions: At first I was scared to tell anybody on what my topic for my blog was about.  I know it was a touchy subject.   It took a long time for me to decide that it was the subject for me.  When my teacher was coming around to find out what we are writing about for our blog I told him and I felt like peoples heads turned.  Then somebody asked me what my point of view was on the subject.  I said, “I feel that people should be able to make there on decisions.  I think it is better if somebody has an abortion when they have been raped or they are sick and can have an abortion.

2.     I asked my sister if I could use her in my blog: I asked my sister if it would be okay if I used her in my blog.  She was upset because it took her a long time to admit that she did what she did.  Let alone me writing about it for the public to see.  To be able to judge her and her not being able to do anything about it.  I told her that we should tell her story we have to be able to speak our own minds.  We have to do what we can to let people know that it is okay to have abortion if there is a good reason.  I told her she had no choice and that she should just let me tell her story.  She finally let me talk about her story.  The great thing is that I was able to tell it to people that could be or have been in her situation.

3.     My middle sister Christine reaction:  My sister Christine she is pregnant and I’m excited she is going to find out what her baby is today.  She does not believe in abortions at all.  She doesn’t believe in killing a baby.  She believes that what ever happens; happens for a reason.  She hates that my sister had an abortion.  When I look at my sister I think of my mom she has the same point of views as my mother.  I guess it is a good thing that my mom doesn’t believe in abortions (that’s another story all in it’s self) .  My sister is angry with my older sister.  She won’t talk to her and will not go to any family outings with her.  She is ashamed of her and I try to tell her that we are sisters.  Sisters are supposed to forgive each other.  We are supposed to be there for each other.



  1. Jess...I think it's a great thing that you have enough courage to do a topic that i feel gets everyone heated on. I have a lot of respect for you that you can talk about this especially what your sister had to go through. I think your doing a great job

  2. wow, this is great jess. i was also afraid of making thins public in my last blog. and i have to agree with your views. about it being someones personal choice especilly if it was a rape. but i really enjoyed reading your blog.

  3. You know having an abortion for a good reason is ok, and I don't think you shoud hate people who have one. I really don't think I could go through one and also belive everything happens for a reason. If someone was ever to have an abortion they need to have it fast, because around 4 months my friend delivered her baby and after seeing that I would not be able to kill it on purpose.

  4. This is such a opinionated topic and a lot of people feel strongly one way or another on it. I think it is great that you are strong enough as a person to write about it.

  5. I think that it is great that you are voicing your opinion, i think that everyone should stand up for what they believe in no matter if people like it or not..i really enjoyed reading your blog

  6. You seem to be very pationate about this topic. It's sad that your sister won't go to family events. Family is the most important thing in life.

  7. Everyone in the world is different and not everyone is going to agree on the same thing! No matter what it is! Good for you to step up and talk about this topic! I think it is great you have the courage to talk about abortion!

  8. good strong stance on your subject. Its good to see people get passionate about stuff. I hope your sister work stuff out because family needs to stick together.
